== Vietnam
Reiseblog - ab 18.2. bin ich dann auch vor Ort :-)
K U N S T ist
eine Frage der Interpretation
der internationalen Anerkennung ;-)
YES!!! My work is out there......
The world around a flame
- Athens 2004
In Summer 2004, I participated in an exhibition organised by Ianna
Andreadis called "Olympic Truce - EKEXEIPIA".
The photographs were exhibited during the Olympic Games in Athens,
just under
the Acropolis.
My photograph is here
(all the way at the bottom). :-)
maja mee
digital photograph
"Un autre parcours
de la flamme,
hors des "sentiers battus", hors du parcours officiel,
un parcours qui transmet l'idée de la trêve olympique
dans le monde entier."
draw_drawing - london biennale 2004
Last summer, Giacomo
Picca from London called for drawings from all over the world.
Giacomo attempted to find out if a line
defines a boundary and if it is a sign for differences.
All the drawings he received were exposed at Gallery 32 during the
Some of them made it to the website. And mine
See it here:
ninth row, in the middle. :-)
maja mee
it is safe to sleep alone
pen on paper
"...a boundary is not that at which something stops but, ...the
boundary is that from which something begins its essential unfolding..."